Solarta: Photovoltaic solar energy, solar thermal energy, solar energy Mallorca, renovable energy Mallorca, solar modules

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More about Solarta

Solar system in India

Solar system in India

Electrification with solar energy of a medical-school centre in Phoolchatti nearby Rishikesh in February of 1996.

Our Friday meetings


Solarta Balear perceives the sport for its capacity to promote healthy lifestyle and social values, therefore we support the practice already in early ages, being sponsor of Artà Volleyball Club.
Club Vòlei Artà

Volleyball is our passion

Volleyball is our passion

With the weather getting better, the beachvolleyball season starts! If you also want to do some sports, meet us at Cala Mesquida every Sunday afternoon.

Work experience placements at Solarta

Work experience placements at Solarta

Each year we offer 1 or 2 work experience placements for students in our company, who often receive different European or national programms (LEONARDO DA VINCI, UIB-DOIB etc.). They become part of the team and realise installation and office work.

Our team comes from many different countries

Our team comes from many different countries.

Our team comes from many different countries, such as Germany, Spain, The Netherlands, Peru ...and although our employees speak different languages, somehow they all speak the same language.

SOLARTA - Avda. dels Pujols, 13 - Parc Empresarial d'Arta - E-07570 Artá/ Mallorca - Tel +34 971 835333 Fax +34 971 835404 -
Solarta Balear SL Copyright© 2010. Powered by Codi Binari Projectes Gràfics S.L.